Wednesday, 19 November 2014


Perhaps it's not my most genuinely popular piece, but it does represent something which is quite essential to my art in terms of concept and execution. It's not all about the paint which is applied to the surface, but what layers are hidden, what pigment has been removed and the ability to know when to stop. The removal of paint is absolutely necessary to create some of the effects in my paintings, so the paper towel, or cloth, is as important as a brush to my methods. But, ultimately, it is the ability to stick to the plan, and resisting the temptation not to over complicate… how else can you express the vision of a cold, bleak and barren snowscape?

Winter solace


  1. in love with this picture...

  2. Actually I think it's one of your strongest, it's more along the lines of a "painter's painting"

  3. Wonderful painting. I love the bleakness and the streak of yellow.
